The Passion Trap

It’s a funny thing, passion.  A quick Google search will unearth hundreds of quotes exhorting the reader to focus on doing what they love or have passion for, from Steve Jobs’ “…the only way to do great work is to love what you do”, to...

You may have heard this before, but…

“Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.”  Zig Ziglar All too often, we need to hear things multiple times before they sink, particularly in the context of the sheer volume of...

It’s not just a business, it’s an asset

Consider this: you have studied the opportunities for a new widget, identified your target market, crafted a bulletproof marketing plan and commenced manufacturing.  You have dedicated months, perhaps years, to researching, testing, developing and funding this new...

Book Launch: On Your Terms

I am very excited to announce that my first book, On Your Terms: 101 ways to prepare a business for sale or succession has just been launched and is available for purchase via  As a launch special, On Your Terms is available for purchase for a limited time...

The 10-minute Exit Plan

Okay, so by now you should be familiar with the concept and importance of exit planning if you own a business. It is fairly evident to all that at some stage, every business owner will depart their enterprise– voluntarily and by design, or otherwise. It is inevitable,...

5 Ways to Prepare for Due Diligence

“You will find out things about your business that even you didn’t know.” And so it was that due diligence expectations were set for the CEO of a mid-sized consulting firm during a recent transaction.  The buyer, with the experience of dozens of...