Did you know that 80% of business owners plan to rely wholly or in part on proceeds from the sale of their business to fund retirement?

Did you also know that at current rates, only 20% actually find a buyer?

Recent research suggests that only 20% have put a plan in place to deal with sale or succession, which when considering the above gap indicates how important such preparation is.

Acquisiti’s SaleWorthy program is designed to thoroughly prepare businesses for the inevitable transition of ownership.  The Saleworthy process takes a business owner/s through three stages:

1. Appraise – the business undergoes a preliminary due diligence, risk assessment and valuation process to identify current market value and opportunities for value-enhancement, risk mitigation and business optimisation.

2. Plan – a succession plan is prepared for the business’ owners, as well as a comprehensive business plan, buyer/successor profile, marketing plan, and 90-day implementation plan.

3. Prepare – the business is prepared for the sale process, in which the key transaction documents are prepared, a Data Room created and the key stakeholders aligned.

The SaleWorthy process not only creates readily identifiable increases in business value, it virtually ensures a successful outcome.

Contact us at enquiry@acquisiti.com for more information on the SaleWorthy program.